8/11 16:30 Keito

Bonnet G Keito|T158|B91|W55|H85

Thank you for playing with us this week,

Thank you very much for playing with us this week.




It has been a hot day as usual.

I met some new people and some people who are good friends of mine,

I was able to meet with many people who have become good friends with me.

I had a great week!



It\’s hard to put into words…

I was so happy to be there, and the time to finish

I am so happy to be there, and the time to go by seems to fly by.

I am sure that such days are not a matter of course,

I will spend tomorrow and the rest of the week chewing on my happiness…







I am taking a day off today.


I was going to spend it relaxing,

I had to go to the gym, to the beauty salon, to the gym, and so on…

I\’ve crammed a lot in!




Yes, yes,

Kate, who hates anything but erotic exercise…

She\’s going to the gym!

I\’ll let you know if it lasts or not when you meet me.

I\’ll let you know if she continues or not when you meet her!


I\’m not so much that I\’m not good at exercising, I just don\’t like it.

I believe in myself that I can do it if I try.





See you tomorrow!




ps. I\’ll try to take some extreme pictures once in a while.

You are so naughty that you got caught!


Kate Nakahara


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