8/14 16:25 Keito

Keito E-cup|T158|B86|W56|H85

Thank you for working in the heat today ⋆⸜♡♡‍⋆

Summer is the enemy of sunburn! But if you don\’t get too much sun, your vitamin D levels will decrease, increasing the risk of osteoporosis, and you may not feel refreshed or refreshed. I recently learned this.

I need to get out in the sun every once in a while to feel energized!

But I can\’t help but notice how white and beautiful the skin of the women on the street is, and I think to myself, \”I have to do something about that! I am inspired by them every summer day…(*´ `*)

It is one of the parts of my skin that my master compliments me on, so I want to keep it that way.


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