8/14 19:30 Suzune

Suzune Bonnet D|T159|B80|W54|H76

C'est Suzune Kozakura.

Suzune has been refining her heat protection, but next we have been suffering from rain.

Is it the rainy season now, or was it June? I thought.

I thought about the good thing about the rain.

It\’s hard to see what\’s going on around you, so you can be alone and smiling.

It\’s hard to hear the sounds around you, so you can sing or talk to yourself.

Lots of clouds → No sunburn.

Water falling down→Plants will grow.

The sound of the rain → I can feel the atmosphere.

I can\’t think of any more for Suzune.

What are the other good points? I\’ll think of more.


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