8/22 18:25 Keito

Bonnet G Keito|T158|B91|W55|H85

It\’s been hot every day for the past 1.2 months.

I\’ve been a nudist at home,

I recently got a new bra for home use.

I recently got a new bra for home use, which is comfortable to wear and keeps my body cool.

I have graduated from being a nudist.



I wonder if my body is getting cold without me noticing it.

When I go to a sauna, I feel like I am not as warm as usual.

I feel as if my body is not warmed to the core.



Cold is a woman\’s worst enemy! But, as they say, “Cold is a woman\’s worst enemy!

Please be careful not to get cold even if you are a man!





I hope to see you again,

I am looking forward to seeing you again.




ps….a picture of a candle that can be even hotter on a hot day…(^ ^ ^)


Kate Nakahara


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