8/23 17:55 Mina

Mina G-cup|T156|B90|W57|H86

Hello, this is Mina.




I got a really bad blowjob last night.




My penis is really big and hard and it warps a lot.




It was soaking wet just from being in my mouth.




I told him to stop, but he didn\’t. He didn\’t even take a break.




I thought I was going to die because I couldn\’t breathe!


If a girl says a safety word, you should honestly stop. It makes you more likable and sensitive…




Some say SM is fun because it\’s dangerous, but there\’s a limit to how far you can cross that dangerous bridge.





Some say SM is fun because it\’s exciting and dangerous,




It may take a little courage to cross that dangerous bridge.




I think there are many masters who are not used to it,



I\’m still a beginner myself, so I\’d appreciate it if you\’d be kind to me.




What? Too sweet? I have to punish you, don\’t I?




Oh, Master.




I\’m itching to be punished too.




But you know, Minna is the type that tries her best when she is praised.




P.S The picture is of a junior high school student.


If you are a pedophile master, please add the option to take pictures and make a mess of Minna!


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