8/8 15:00 Riku

Riku F-cup|T163|B88|W57|H83





I\’m Riku, a handsome young man.



I\’m here again today to visit Shinjuku!




I couldn\’t sleep last night, so I went for a bike ride again.


It was hot at night, but it was less hot than in the daytime, and the breeze felt really nice.



I\’ve been cutting back on my favorite alcoholic beverages lately, but only a little!


Beer tastes great this time of year, though..,


I\’m just reducing it so we can have a toast together (´,,-ω-,,♡ lol).



I am trying to live a healthy life by taking care of my exercise and diet!


Please exercise Riku by playing with Master to the point of exhaustion lol!




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