8/9 21:05 Keito

Bonnet E Keito|T158|B86|W56|H85

Finally night~(,,> <,,)♡

Thank you for your hard work today!

The master who is still at work is fighting (ㅠ︿ㅠ)

This is a picture of you wearing an eye mask, so this time it\’s without the stamp on your face ♡.

He was tied like a dog and took a picture of me ♡⟡. -*.

Kate\’s favorite line is the one from her back to her hips, but if you\’ve taken the time to look at the groove of her hips, below that, you\’re Mr. Hentai ❤︎…,

I tried to hurry him up with stamps//.

Please take a good look at the real thing when you meet him.

Please come and see us tonight too. *˚˚


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