9/14 18:55 Suzune

Suzune Bonnet D|T159|B80|W54|H76

My umbrella broke.




It felt strange when I opened it,


I was walking along and thought, “Oh well,


One of the bones was shaking.


It was broken.


I wondered why it broke.


Because I have two kinds of umbrellas,


I had to prepare it in a hurry! It was a good thing that I didn\’t have to get an umbrella in a hurry.


But it was sad.


Like a child who has been with me for a long time.


It\’s no use to have a broken umbrella.


I will say good-bye.


I heard that it is good to take a picture when you say goodbye to something,


I think I saw it on TV or something.


I wish I could still be with you!


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