9/17 13:10 Suzune

Suzune Bonnet D|T159|B80|W54|H76

I wrote so much in the previous diary that I had to split it into two.


In the midst of a typhoon and heavy rain,


Cars are passing by so fast in the midst of the typhoon and rain.


I love it. I love it.


Not getting wet in the rain and being fast is the best!


I wish Suzune could drive a car.


I think I\’ll start by going to get a driver\’s license.


It\’s a high hurdle.


If it were easy to get a license, that would be scary.


SuzuneI have an image that driving a car is very difficult.


What\’s more,


The resourcefulness required on the road…!


I envy those who can drive.


How did you learn to drive?


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