9/22 19:10 Suzune

Suzune Bonnet D|T159|B80|W54|H76

When you want to feel relaxed


When you want to be relaxed


I play Grandma\’s game.


To be precise,


It is a retro game in which grandma is the main character.


Is it 0.5x speed?


I\’m not sure.


Time passes so slowly in a good way.


The candy I wanted to eat was sold out!


And sometimes it\’s sad,


I return to this world and calm down.


And then, I feel the warmth of the world,


I love the connection between people,


It\’s nice to meet people in real life and deepen our relationship.


I feel so much more relaxed.


I\’m not sure if I should mention the name of the app.


If you want to know,


If you want to know, please do your best to find out.


Did I push you away?


Then ask Suzune when you meet her.


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