9/27 10:40 Suzune

Suzune Bonnet D|T159|B80|W54|H76



Temptation from SNS×2,,


TikTok↓ “Seven\’s Tofu Gateau Chocolates are Delicious!


Tofu gateau chocolat from Seven is delicious.


X (old Twitter) ↓ “Tofu gâteau chocolat is delicious.


Tofu gateau chocolat is very delicious.



“This, I have to do it!


I tried it!


“Choco daa!”


“It has a texture that chocolate doesn\’t have.”


Chocolate on the outside, a little tofu on the inside.

  I\’ve got to try it!

  I\’ve tried it.


I\’ve never had it unfrozen, so I can\’t compare.



I came up with this.


I don\’t know how much the tofu texture is,


I don\’t know how much chocolate > tofu.


(Of course).


But that doesn\’t mean I can\’t compare them,


I don\’t know how much the chocolate has changed to tofu.


I\’m not brave enough to try the default one.


Ah! Yes, it is!


Just take a bite or two and eat it as is,


If I feel like freezing it, I\’ll do it.


Yes, yes, yes, yes.


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