Halloween is over and Christmas is almost here…

Yuna, 20 ans, taille 162, buste 90, taille 54, hanches 86

Halloween is over and Christmas is almost here…

I pulled out the Santa costume I wore at an event last year and tried it on for the first time in a while (*/∀\*)He\’s a naughty Santa (*>ω<*) I like velor and fur, so this is my favorite design (*/∀\*) I would be happy if I could create memories like a present that my husband would be happy with (*/∀\*) Please tease Yuna who is a masochist a lot (*>ω<*) It\’s been cold lately, like tonight, so I want to keep warm and be careful not to catch a cold (*>ω<*)Yuna, who can\’t sleep peacefully without her favorite stuffed animal, is thinking of going to sleep today. . . (´・(ェ)・`)Good night, master(.-ω-)zzz

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