Bonjour, c'est Mina !

Mina, age 18 T156 B90 W57 H86

It\’s been a while. Lately I\’ve been addicted to games and have been staying at home lol

If I\’m waiting at home, I won\’t have a chance to meet my husband, so I\’ll quit playing games and wait at the office!I\’m sad that I can\’t play the game, but I\’ve been playing it for about 40 hours in the first week, so I\’d like to take a break lolThe bad thing about it is that once you get addicted to it, you end up doing it all the time, but it\’s also a good thing!I think staying in the SM world for a long time is because you get stuck in a swamp that you can\’t get out of.Please take care of everyone\’s sexual desire today too.

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