We are looking forward to your visit at our store today.

Kaho, age 19 T158 B85 W55 H86

We are looking forward to your visit at our store today.

Lately, I’ve been addicted to teasing play and shameful play ♡ When you are licked from the toes gradually towards the center, and when the back of the erogenous zone is continuously licked…/// I can\’t hold back and touch my pussy and end up feeling like it\’s inserted ♡ It\’s embarrassing to be honest, but I do it (Teru)Of course, I will do my best to serve my master♪ Please love me a lot today too ♡♡

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[*Recrutement urgent] Nous recherchons un coordinateur qui pourra présenter les étrangers et les touristes étrangers séjournant au Japon.
Si vous parlez anglais et japonais, vous pouvez gagner un salaire élevé en peu de temps.
Veuillez nous contacter pour plus de détails.