4/14 New arrivals Sonoka

Sonoka, age 19
T165 B88 W52 H88

A beautiful young lady with a very elite upbringing.

She is a very lovely girl with a little bit natural personality, friendly and charming smile and gestures. She has little male experience, so she can teach you sexual pleasure and pleasure by gently leading you! She is a beautiful young lady with a very elite education that makes you feel the quality of her upbringing! Her elegant appearance and intelligent character with a sense of intelligence in every word she speaks will surely win the hearts of men around the world! Her small hips, in proportion to her height, are firm yet feminine and rounded, and they are soft to the touch, making them perfect for butt-pleasuring play! Please enjoy this still developing girl in your color! She is not pretending, but she is really, really shy, and her face turns bright red, so please do not show up naked when you open the room, lol!

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[*Recrutement urgent] Nous recherchons un coordinateur qui pourra présenter les étrangers et les touristes étrangers séjournant au Japon.
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