9/28 New arrivals Siori

Siori, age 20 T155 B85 W53 H84

Slender whitening fairy! ! Now is the time to buy! It\’s an instant decision! If you don\’t decide immediately, someone else will take it!

High spec Loris slender after a long time! And fair-skinned! Whiter than cotton candy! Are you from Russia? She\’s a cute girl! ! Even a weak man can lift it with one hand! And it\’s cute! And honest! ! She is the best girl with a charm that shines through her expressions. When I asked him, he came out as probably a pervert! When I told her, “Let\’s do my best ^^^\’\’, she gave me a shy smile and I couldn\’t miss the way she grinned! I\’ve been in this world for a long time, so I understand! This girl will be the star of the Shinjuku store!



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