9/6 15:25 Yuna

Yuna D-cup|T162|B90|W56|H86

I\’m Yuna and I\’ve been into making handmade ribbons lately.


I wanted to wear a blue one-piece dress in the last days of summer, so I made a lame ribbon that would go with it, but it turned out to be the size of some underground idol… lol.


But it was the right decision to make it sparkle by layering the lame fabric, and I\’m happy with how cute it is.


I think I\’m going to wear blue for a while because I like it so much.


Today is my first day of work after a menstrual leave, so I want to be tormented a lot by the master.


I want to heal him a lot with Yuna\’s healing voice, fluffy personality, and dominatrix gap.


I\’m also good at massage, so I\’d like to take away your fatigue from work.

zh_CNChinese (China)




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