2/23 22:30 米娜

Mina G杯|H156|B90|W57|H86

晚上好,我是 Mina!



I just got naked right above Tokyo Station and had everyone in Tokyo Station watch me in bondage ♡.


I was so excited that I got sloppy the whole time.


We also had candles.

The master was so kind to me that even though it was supposed to be hot, he didn\’t want me to stop and gave me another one ♡.


Master loves candles.

I finally came to like candles, so let\’s put on the option and make a red flower bloom that goes well with white skin ♡♡♡.

zh_HKChinese (Hong Kong)




[*緊急招募] 我們正在尋找一位可以介紹在日本停留的外國人和外國遊客的協調員。