7/15 13:25 Keito


It\’s Monday, the beginning of the week.

Good morning, this is Kate.




I took a day off,

I went to a hot spring for the first time in a while!


I got a massage and felt refreshed!

I\’m ready to serve my master this week!





However, today, 26 prefectures in Japan are under a heat stroke alert.

I learned that a heat stroke alert has been issued.

I just pray for everyone\’s safety.



Recently, I\’ve been getting a lot of messages

I\’ve been getting a lot of messages saying, \”It\’s so hot!

The heat is getting hotter and hotter every year,

We have to be creative every year.

We have to be creative every year to get through the summer.




Even in such a hot and difficult time of the year, we are still thankful for those who come to see us,

I would like to thank all the people who come to see me even in such a hot and difficult time.


I hope I can inspire you this week as well!

zh_HKChinese (Hong Kong)




[*緊急招募] 我們正在尋找一位可以介紹在日本停留的外國人和外國遊客的協調員。