7/30 17:25 Keito

Keito E-cup|T158|B86|W56|H85

It\’s hot every day, but how are you doing?

Kate was looking cool for some reason, but it\’s really hot today! ! I thought. smile

There was also a fireworks display yesterday!

I haven\’t been to a fireworks display for a long time. When I saw a girl in a yukata, Kate also wanted to wear a yukata.

Yukata is cool and mature, but it also has a girlish cuteness and is wonderful ♡

I would love to go on a yukata date someday, longing(˶\’ᵕ\’˶ )︎

Aside from such a summer delusion, this month will be over in a few more days.

Thank you for the dark days in July as well♪

I hope all the masters who have been with us during the hot days are doing well this summer too!

ps.I suddenly thought that I would like to know the correct way to play the horse of Alfain.

If you find one, you\’ll always be asked to take a picture…( ˘•ω•˘ ) Hmmm

zh_HKChinese (Hong Kong)




[*緊急招募] 我們正在尋找一位可以介紹在日本停留的外國人和外國遊客的協調員。