2/16 17:25 鈴音




It has become even colder again.


Coats are now in great use.


If you ask me, I don\’t know what I\’m wearing under my coat.


It is sometimes the case that I am wearing nothing at all.


I didn\’t realize that it could also be used for naughty things,


I didn\’t realize it.


Maybe there were people I passed on the street who wore nothing under their coats.


I never realized that it could also be used for something naughty.


I wonder if there were times when I passed someone on the street with nothing on under their coat.


When I think about it,


Even those who are walking with a clear face


but their heads are full of erotic thoughts.


or even full of

zh_HKChinese (Hong Kong)




[*緊急招募] 我們正在尋找一位可以介紹在日本停留的外國人和外國遊客的協調員。