3/8 15:40 Himari

Himari D罩杯|H179|B85|W57|H87

Just when you thought it was warming up, it\’s cold again:(()


The cold is so bad!


It\’s so cold I can\’t get out of my futon.


I wish I could warm myself by touching you all.


The stone in the sun is so cold


Meaning: I wondered if a stone in the sun was warm, but when I touched it, I found it was very cold.


This is a haiku by Shiki Masaoka.


It is cold even if it looks warm.


I don\’t want to be cold.


Come to see me soon?

zh_TWChinese (Taiwan)




[*緊急招募] 我們正在尋找一位可以介紹在日本停留的外國人和外國遊客的協調員。