5/30 16:15 Keito

Keito G-Cup|T158|B91|W55|H85

Surrender yourself to everyone.

It is fun to be able to do so many different things.

I can make you melt in my mouth a lot,

I feel so happy!





Kate often,

Kate is often surprised at how much luggage (SM bag) she carries.

Kate tries her best to respond to various requests

Kate is trying her best in her own way to respond to various requests


But still there is a shortage….

If it gets any heavier

I\’m afraid my arm will break if it gets any heavier…,





Yesterday, too,

Yesterday, there was a person who added more props on a moment\’s notice.

I could feel it even more.

I was teased a lot,

I think we both had a good time!




There are many different courses, so it was difficult to choose one,

If you are interested in what kind of course and what kind of play Kate likes, please feel free to contact me.

If you are interested in me, please feel free to send me a message,

Please feel free to send me a message if you are interested!


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