8/9 11:40 Keito

Keito G-Cup|T158|B91|W55|H85

Guten Morgen!




It\’s hot again today from this morning,

I wish I could go to the pool again.



I got a lot of cute swimsuits.

(I could wear a different swimsuit every day for a week!)

I got a lot of cute swimsuits (I could wear a different one every day for a week lol).

I try them on at home and have fun with them.

I enjoy trying them on at home!




What kind of swimsuits do you like to see girls in?

What kind of swimsuits do you like?


I would be happy if we could have an echi-chat when we meet.

I would be very happy if we could have a naughty talk when we meet!






It\’s hot again today, so please drink water, salt and minerals.

Let\’s get through it with water, salt, and minerals.

See you later!


ps….You can play forever with a floating ring….

You can play forever with a floating ring!

Kate Nakahara


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