6/11 17:05 Keito

Bonnet G Keito|T158|B91|W55|H85

The other day, for the first time in a long time

I was taken to Disney Sea✩. *˚




The crowds yesterday were ok?


It was nice when the wind blows, just before summer.

I\’m glad I could go to this time of the year.




By the way, Kate,

I\’m not a fan of scary rides, but I don\’t mind them.


Sometimes, when she rides a scary ride,

I can\’t understand why she doesn\’t like them.

I don\’t know why I don\’t hate them…( ߹Happiness߹♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡)


The attractions are about as good as Disney\’s,

I don\’t think I can call it a scream! I don\’t think it\’s so much of a scream.

I think that the combination of a little bit of fear, fun, and a spectacular view is the best part of the attraction.

The combination of the scary and the fun and the spectacular view is addictive.



I wonder if Kate\’s M character comes out in such a place,

I wonder if Kate\’s M-ness comes out in her.

I\’m so embarrassed!





And sometimes I get questions about the long course.

I have a question about long courses, but if we get to know each other well

If we get to know each other well, we can have dinner together, go on excursions, and do many other things ♡♡♡♡.


I am happy that you make time for me,

We are happy to spend a lot of time with you.



We can play in different ways,

If you want to take your time

If you want to take your time, let\’s get to know each other ♡♡♡.




I\’ll see you later ♬♬.


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