6/21 20:20 Keito

Keito G-cup|T158|B91|W55|H85

Thanks for a great week♪♪


This week, even though the store is closed.

My personal life has been a bit of a whirlwind.

I can\’t believe that the week has flown by and it\’s already Friday! I feel like it\’s Friday already!





I\’m starting to miss the activities at the store ♡.


From next week, I will be here more during lunch time. _.) m(. _.)



I think I have an image that I am here at night,

I hope you will take notice of us,

I hope you will take notice of us. *˚.


Of course, we hope that the masters who are currently

I hope that the masters who are currently getting along with us will continue to get along with us.




We will continue to do our best for everyone at our own pace and without overworking ourselves.

I will continue to work hard for you all ♡.



I hope to be blessed with the chance to meet and meet again with a wonderful master.

Kate herself will devote herself to the task.


Let\’s continue to have fun with Kate in the future.

Let\’s make echi and fun memories with Kate from now on, okay? ♡///



See you~.


Kate Nakahara


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